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💫💫Holiday Wishes 2016💫💫

In Lifestyle, Uncategorized by Jackie S.43 Comments

Hi guys! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and got to spend some time with loved ones. I apologize for my absence here but we had a bit of a stressful Christmas…
This is one of our fur babies Pita and she’s 14. Unfortunately over Christmas our poor baby suffered Grand Mal seizures. Which just breaks our heart to see and makes us feel so helpless. We have been working with our vet to try and figure out what is going. In the meantime, we have her on some medication and we are crossing our fingers that this helps prevent anymore episodes. And buys us some time while we try to find out what is causing them.
I thought I would share some pictures of my two fur babies. They are complete opposites but best of friends. Pita is a Dalmatian cross and Hershey is a Dachshund mix. I love them so much ❤️
Wishing you guys a Happy New Year! ✨✨And all the best in 2016!
Thanks for stopping by😊
xo, Jackie


    1. Author

      Thank you Lydia. I think they’re cuties but I’m biased πŸ™‚ Wishing you a happy New Year!

  1. Awww Jackie, sorry to hear that about Pita. I love dogs so I understand how their pain is your pain, hopefully she’ll recover soon. I wish you an amazing New year ahead, you deserve it. TL. Xx


  2. Ahhh our fur babies are so important. Our two are beside me on the couch as I type. I am so sorry to hear about the seizures. That’s scary. Hope the medicine helps.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

    1. Author

      Thank you Amy. Yeah the seizures were pretty scary to watch. We are crossing our fingers that the meds do their job.WIshing you a blessed New Year!

  3. They are adorable Jackie! I hope things get better. Have a wonderful New Years and I wish you an amazing 2016.

    Keisha xo

    1. Author

      Thank you so much Keisha. I hope you have a wonderful New Year and all the best to you in 2016.

    1. Author

      Aww thanks Dana. I’m hopeful that the meds will work, in the meantime Pita and I are sending you love
      Wishing you a blessed New Year luv!

  4. I will pray for Pita I know how hard it is in feeling helpless when one of the furbabies get sick. They your baby and they need us always I’m a big time animal lover so is understandable why you will be Mia to take care of your love one. They are both so cute love the images here. I wish you your family and furbabies a blessing 2016.

    1. Author

      Aww thanks Jackie. I love seeing your cute pups on instagram too. They really do need us just as much as we need them. Wishing you a blessed New Year

    1. Author

      Thank you so much hun. Wishing you and your family in a blessed New Year πŸ™‚

  5. My sweet Jackie, this made me so sad! I have three dogs myself and just thinking about them getting sick makes me heart ache! I feel for you and I am praying for you! Hoping Pita will feel better soon! Sending much love your way! Love you!
    Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year!!

    xoxo, Vanessa

    1. Author

      Thank you so much Vanessa for sweet words and prayers. I really appreciate it. I didn’t know you had three dogs; they really do become a part of the family. Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year too

    1. Author

      Thank you. I said the same thing the other day, that I wished she could just tell us whats wrong. Wouldn’t that be great:)

  6. They are sooo cute! I really hope everything get better.
    I want to Thank you for always being so sweet, kind and supportive. It means a lot coming from such a beautiful person like yourself.
    Happy New Year. I wish you all the best for 2016!
    Love , Raysa

  7. They are both cuties! I hate dealing with pet health issues because it’s so hard to know what is causing them pain. I feel for you and I hope you guys can get it all figured out. Hope Pita feels better soon!

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